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Writer's picturesmalltimegenius

The Start Of Something Wonderful (again).

By now, the secret is out.

Is it a secret though? 

Considering how much I’ve hinted at this for the last 2 years?

The flights to Mexico, the cameras, the instagram stories of someone in our team shooting something or other? It has all led us to this point.

And believe me, the journey hasn’t been easy, not in the very least. And despite not having anything guaranteed or knowing whether or not this is going to work, the mere fact that once again we are about to go against the norm of how something is built, is truly what makes this next chapter of our journey all so familiar.

Look, when we built República we didn’t have a tenth of the experience and resources we have now. What we had was drive, intentionality, and a vision for what would one day be the greatest Mexico-forward concept. We lacked the things that typically make or break a business: capital, mentoring, and resources. And yet, here we are.

However you choose to define success, our story is right there with it.

With TODOS, we have a lot more resources than we do mentoring, and we have a lot more mentoring than we do capital… and yet despite that, we are about to create something that doesn’t currently exist and in the process of it change the industry for the better.

Let me make you uncomfortable, doubtful, or hopeful and run that back one more time:

We are about to create something that doesn’t currently exist and in the process of it change the industry for the better.

So how exactly do we plan on doing this?

I guess I can say something like “one video at a time.”Which as cliche as it might sound, it’s the only way that we can explain this. To give you a better idea, we are currently producing 12 series, 120 episodes, approximately 1,100-1,200  minutes of content.

Let me just be clear, that is just the content that we are producing. This does not include ALL that will go on the platform; galleries, essays, guides, etc.

These are just the videos.

Ambitious, right?

Yeah, I know that this is a fuck-ton of work, especially for a team made up of 6 people.

(please don’t ask me for the metric conversion of a fuck ton)

Did I mention, 4 months from start to completion?

That is a lot of people wearing many hats… one day they are writing, producing, directing a series, the next day they are editing videos or editing captions for social media. 

We do it all.

I’ll be honest with y’all. It probably didn’t have to be this way. Truth is leading up to this point, I finally managed to get us to the table, all of it by sheer determination and the goodwill built by our hospitality brand over the last 3+ years. To think that our little República & Co., has gotten us this far is truly overwhelming, however, now that I am here I want more.

Not more money or more glory (although I truly wish my brain was that simple), instead I want to do it better than it has ever been done, and bigger than it's ever been dreamed.

Am I dumb for simply not taking what is being put on the table?

Who knows, check back with me in 3 months. 

Right now, I am just going to stick to the plan and burn the fucking boats we came in on.

That’s it.

That is all that I can share for now. That and that the work we have released this first week is already getting incredible traction, and the thing is, it’s not even our best work, yet!

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